Cherry-Smoked Pork Butt
Grilling Time: 4 Hours & 30 Minutes
Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Where to Cook: Lower Grate
Additional Information/Details:
IngredientsFill smoker tray with Cherry Wood. Generously season roast with Dakota Grills Country Seasoning™. Set grill for 320°F and probe for 160 -165°F (higher internal meat temperatures yield more tender - but less juicy - meats). Expect an 6-8 lb. roast to cook in approximately 3 - 4½ hours..
Quick TipsThis recipe was submitted by: Dakota Grills, LLC of Lake Preston, SD
Grill Gator™ Grate Scraper
The Grill Gator™ is a patent pending grate scraping tool. Clean top and bottom grate with ease. Remove spent wood chips from the smoker tray, reduce crud from shields, and clean probes as well...
44136 200th St.
Lake Preston, SD 57249
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